online sketchbook & creative dumping ground

Posts tagged “illustration


Post-It Note Drawing #1

Post-It Note Drawing #1

The computer I’ve been using for my drawing and animation for the past 5 years or so finally succumbed to an unceremoniously-abrupt death….

This happened several months ago, and as luck (or the lack thereof) would have it, my life became very busy right at the same time…

Suffice to say, I have not replaced my dear old friend yet… which explains why there’s been such a gap since my last posts to this site.

At any rate, I’ve found myself doodling a lot lately… mostly on scraps of paper… backs of envelopes, etc… and now… Post-It notes.

They look really interesting (to me anyway) when photographed at high-resolution with my phone, and then posted at larger-than-life size.

More to come…?

Margin Doodle Drawings from Old Notebooks

Drawings and sketches from my notebooks


I often doodle when I’m thinking… particularly when listening to another person or group of people talking about a project I’m involved with…

While I’m listening and making notes, I’m also usually filling up the spaces around the notes with Margin-Doodles.  So if I’m doodling while you’re talking, don’t think that means I’m not paying attention… it’s actually just a part of how my brain works… part of how I synthesize information.

I’m sure this sounds strange to some people… and I’m equally certain that it makes perfect sense to others.


So I’ve recently been working on improving my personal workspace… and this has included a good bit of long-overdue housekeeping.

While sorting through old paperwork and notebooks to toss in the recycling bin, I culled a group of Margin-Doodles that I really liked, and didn’t want to lose…

So here they are for safe-keeping… with the added benefit that I now have a handy place to look at them when I want to see them…

Teh InterWebz is good :) 



Chasing the Rabbit 3: Character Design Exercise

white rabbit

 Another version of the White Rabbit character design.

Here I think I succeeded in eliminating the “creepy” feeling of the previous version (which seemed to really bother some folks) and he’s still more sleek & charismatic than the original “dirty bum” version… and most importantly, there is definitely the sense that he’s not at all safe or sweet… but somewhat sinister and dangerous instead.

I think this is a good base for me to move forward with this character design… more to come soon, I hope.

When They was Fab: a drawing of The Beatles (finally finished)

cartoon drawing of the young beatles playing the cavern club in hamburg

I think I’ve finished this drawing… it’s always hard to tell.  I know I could keep working on bits and parts of it… probably forever.

But for now, I think this is what I will call “done.”

It took a long time to get back to this, but here is the finished (for today anyway) version of my Beatles drawing “When They Was Fab”.  I’d posted this earlier as a work-in-progress… you can see here.

The full-sized, full-resolution print of this image is  25 inches wide x 19 inches high.  Now that it’s finished, I’m really excited to have it framed… although it’s gonna cost me an arm and a leg, for sure!  I plan to hang it up in my man cave… whenever I finally get a man cave…sigh* Until then, it will go in my family room, alongside a nice print of a mural I painted in college, and comical collection of photos of me and my girls.

One of the characteristics I really like about this drawing, is that it reminds me of a diorama.

You remember dioramas – right?  Back in grade school, you would get an assignment to create a 3-dimensional scene depicting George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, and you were to build the whole thing in a shoebox using crayons, magic markers, bits of construction paper and a LOT of Elmer’s glue.  You remember – right?

So it occurs to me that if I had any gumption (yeah, I said gumption) I would print out the separate elements of this drawing, and construct an actual 3D diorama out of them.  I could frame it in a glass box and light it from behind.  That would be cool… I wonder if I’ll ever do it ;)



How to Eat an Elephant…


illustration for 'How do you eat an elephant...? One bite at a time'

Do you know that saying that goes “How do you eat an elephant…? One bite at a time.” ?

You may have heard this before… and if you haven’t heard it before, you can probably get the point… but just in case you don’t… this is a saying that people will use when they – or someone they know – is faced with a gigantic task to accomplish. .. when the job seems so big, that it’s almost impossible to imagine ever being able to complete it.

And so the point is that – like attempting to eat an entire elephant – the best way to complete such a monumental effort, is to take it in small “bite-sized” pieces.  Rather than looking at the whole – which could be overwhelming – you can look at one chunk at a time. 

A little while ago, my friend Kevin asked me to illustrate these words of wisdom for him, so that he could hang the picture by his computer, to give him perspective whenever a job started to feel too big to handle.


They wanted a Rock God… they got Jim: JIM MORRISON

jim morrison of the doors poster illustration drawing image

“I am the Lizard King… I can do anything”

About a month ago I watched the film “When You’re Strange”… an artful documentary about the Doors, featuring Narration voice-over by Johnny Depp.  The movie focuses on the Doors’ legendary singer-front man, Jim Morrison and it portrays him in a way that seemed new to me… I mean, I’ve been familiar with Jim Morrison for a very long time… but after watching this movie, I felt like all this time I had been missing something really special, and that now I finally “got it.”  I’d say that’s the sign of a really good documentary.

So inspired by my new feelings about who/what Jim Morrison really was… I drew this characterization sketch. 

Break on through, break on through – eh… eh.. eh.. eh.. eh!