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Posts tagged “girl on fire

Girl on Fire: A Drawing Exercise

Hunger Games drawing Katniss Girl on Fire bow hunter

The Hunger Games trilogy really surprised to me… when my wife & daughter told me I should read the books a year ago, I smiled and said “You know, maybe I will” but in my mind I was thinking “I really don’t have time to spend reading a teenage girl romance novel.”  And so I didn’t end up picking up the first book until about 2 or 3 months ago… and then it was only because I was incredibly bored, and figured at least this would pass some time.

Once I started reading, I was almost immediately caught up in the premise, and the story moved at such an easy pace that I was 1/2-way through the book before I knew it.  I ended up burning through the triology in about 4-5 weeks (which is unusual for me, as I tend to read at a more leisurely speed.)

By the time I finished reading the books, the teaser-trailers for the movie had hit the Internet and I had a few weeks to digest what I’d read, and to wonder what the film interpretation would be like.  I’m not going to review the books, or the movie… all in all, I’ll just say that I really loved the books, and thoroughly enjoyed taking my wife and daughters to see the movie, so the Hunger Games is ‘win’ in my book.