online sketchbook & creative dumping ground

Posts tagged “doodles

Margin Doodle Drawings from Old Notebooks

Drawings and sketches from my notebooks


I often doodle when I’m thinking… particularly when listening to another person or group of people talking about a project I’m involved with…

While I’m listening and making notes, I’m also usually filling up the spaces around the notes with Margin-Doodles.  So if I’m doodling while you’re talking, don’t think that means I’m not paying attention… it’s actually just a part of how my brain works… part of how I synthesize information.

I’m sure this sounds strange to some people… and I’m equally certain that it makes perfect sense to others.


So I’ve recently been working on improving my personal workspace… and this has included a good bit of long-overdue housekeeping.

While sorting through old paperwork and notebooks to toss in the recycling bin, I culled a group of Margin-Doodles that I really liked, and didn’t want to lose…

So here they are for safe-keeping… with the added benefit that I now have a handy place to look at them when I want to see them…

Teh InterWebz is good :) 

